Hollywood Stars Are Just Like Us, Susceptible to Lice
Celebrities are revered as icons of their generation. Whether musical, theatrical or on the big screen they can make everyday people’s lives seem boring, unglamorous and even mundane. Even within social groups in our own communities, there can be feelings of prestige or wealth that make certain groups of people seem untouchable. The truth is, we are all more alike than we sometimes think. Lice are the perfect example. Lice are no respecter of persons. They don’t care what your name is, what you do for a living, or even when you washed your hair last. Lice can infect anyone. Here are a few Hollywood stars who have publically confronted this predicament in their homes.
Courtney Cox and David Arquette
Courtney Cox is a familiar, lovable face in Hollywood. She first became a household name for her role as Monica Geller on the NBC comedy Friends. From there she had the chance to star in the popular movie series Scream. Alongside her then-husband, David Arquette, they opened a successful movie production company and have directed and produced many films and television sitcoms. Together they have a daughter, Coco who was born in 2004. Courtney recounts her experience to several social media outlets of watching her daughter scratch her head. Not just a normal scratch, but a serious itch. She investigated and found that her daughter indeed did have lice. To her horror, she then realized Coco had just spent the night was a friend, the daughter of another undisclosed famous actress Courtney is close with. She tells of the great embarrassment of calling her friend to give the dreaded news. It turned out…she had given the other child head lice. Graciously, the undisclosed friend was kind and grateful for the warning. Even some celebrities understand it can happen to anyone.
Kelly Ripa
Kelly Ripa is an American actress, dancer, talk show host, and television producer. She is most well known as co-host of the popular morning talk show, Live! With Kelly and Ryan. In 2014 Kelly was named by The Hollywood Reporter as one of the Most Powerful People in Media. She goes into detail during her show one morning of her family’s awful experience with lice. With three small children at home, she admits it’s no wonder they fell victim. Unfortunately, she disclosed this wasn’t the first time it had happened. The CDC tells us every year 6 to 12 million children in the US alone will contract lice. The average age for those children to bring it home is 3 to 12. If you have children those ages attending schools, preschools, daycares, having sleepovers, or just playing with other kids it doesn’t really matter who they are. They are at risk of being infected with lice.
Often referred to as the Queen of Pop, Madonna needs little introduction. She has been a major presence in Hollywood since the early 1980s with multiple number one record charts, iconic dance moves and an often replicated sense of style. She is the highest grossing solo artist of the 20th century. She is also the mother of young children. Madonna recounts to Top News Press that she had a bad case of head lice at her house. One that she was having difficulty getting rid of. She claims she was afraid to lay her head down on her children’s beds or pillows in fear that lice and nits had continued to reappear. Madonna is not alone. It just goes to show you, if the Queen of Pop has to deal with lice it must not be such a social faux pas after all.