Nit Wits Lice Clinic: Head Lice and the Rise of Social Media Challenges
Head lice. The mere mention of the word can send shivers down…
The Nationwide Nurse Shortage Is Having an Impact on Lice Checks in Schools
Students of all ages do not want to come home from school bearing…
Best Lice Care Tips for Going Back to School
Many parents associate the school year with a higher risk for…
Can You Get Lice From A Swimming Pool?
For some time now, we have been gradually coming out of the pandemic,…
What Can I Do If I was Exposed to Head Lice?
When it comes to the spread of head lice, one of the biggest…
Looking for the best way to get rid of lice? Don’t ignore the eggs and act quickly!
Don’t let your guard down – the lifecycle of a louse is 45…
Trust us – using Vaseline to remove head lice is a bad ide
Difficult Vaseline removal, potentially harmful chemicals and…
NitWits COVID-19 Update
NitWits COVID-19 Update
It is with cautious optimism that we…
Lice Happens, Don’t Blame Yourself
Head Lice - those itchy, hard to see microscopic bugs that your…
How to Comb for Lice
A Step By Step Process
Here is a helpful guide going step-by-step…