Lice Treatment Facts
4 Facts About Lice Treatment
Don’t know very much about head lice? Here are 4 quick lice treatment facts for all you parents out there preparing for back to school lice prevention.
1. Lice Will Live In Any Type Of Hair
No matter if you have dirty hair or clean hair, curly or straight, long or short; you can contract head lice. It doesn’t matter your gender or race. Head lice just need a head of hair to live in and a scalp to get their blood supply from. The only way head lice won’t bother you is if you are bald. But that doesn’t mean we recommend shaving your child’s head because we don’t. That is completely unnecessary since we have easy, safe and effective lice treatment in our clinic.
2. You Child May Have Had Lice For a While Before You Notice
The itchiness on the scalp, back of the neck or behind the ears is an allergic reaction to lice saliva or lice bites and it often takes three to four weeks for that reaction to start. This means that your child may have had lice for a couple weeks before you notice it.
3. Regular Head Checks Is The Best Way To Find Lice
Since the itchiness may not occur until weeks into having lice, it’s important to perform weekly head checks on your young children and daily head checks if there’s an outbreak at school. The sooner you find them, the sooner you can get rid of them. Nobody wants their child to have lice any longer than necessary.
4. Our Treatment Is The Best On The Market
Our AirAllé device has changed the head lice world forever. It was invented at the University of Utah and it’s FDA-cleared and medically proven to be successful. In this day of super lice, over-the-counter treatments don’t work. Lice have built a resistant to the pesticides in them. That’s why the AirAllé was invented in the first place. It blows heated air in a pattern to dehydrate lice and nits. It really works and it will be worth it.
Head lice may seem scary at first but we can easily get rid of them! We truly have the best lice treatment around. Give us a call for head screening and possible treatment!