Quick Facts About Kids And Head Lice
Head lice are a nuisance that has been itching heads since ancient times. Luckily, they don’t lead to disease or harm, other than some possible sores from the lice bites. They do, however, cause a huge nuisance and can spread from kid to kid through direct contact or sharing of certain items. Here are some facts about head lice:
Here are some things to know:
- Head lice are small parasitic insects that can be tan, gray or white in color.
- Lice are one of the top 3 reasons kids miss school each year.
- They are very common among kids, approximately 6-12 million kids get them per year.
- Head lice are not dangerous but they are very contagious.
- Head lice have nothing to do with uncleanliness or hygiene. Regular baths don’t prevent head lice.
- They don’t jump or fly.
- Head lice can’t survive on animals.
- They also cannot live in your home for more than 24 hours.
- Head lice need a human host to survive because they feed on human blood several times a day. They will die within 1 to 2 days after being off their host because they no longer have a food source.
- Head lice are very small — about the size of a sesame seed.
- Head lice prefer a dark, warm environment and are often discovered behind the ears, under a ponytail and at the nape of the neck. They can also be found on eyebrows and eyelashes (not as common).
- A female louse can lay up to 10 eggs daily; they prefer to lay their eggs ¼” from the scalp.
- Head lice eggs or their eggs might be mistaken for dandruff. But they are firmly attached to the hair shaft with a waterproof glue-like substance and won’t brush off.
Most importantly, head lice can be easily treated with our revolutionary treatment. Give us a call for more information.